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MWII Bans Weapon in Rank Play

Warzone 2 is banning the newly introduced weapon from Rank Play due to being overpowered. The ISO Hemlock and the TAQ-V have been restricted from play and players seem to be responding positively to this change. Many players have been frustrated with the weapons addition saying it’s all everyone was using and kept them from playing. Now with the removal they feel they can have a chance to play without everyone using the same gun. Others feel upset that this change was made and is removing variability in the game.

Changes are being made with rank play as they go based on feedback and this is just the first of many to come. Treyarch hopes to keep balancing the mode and making it more balanced across the board.

With rank play there will be continued changes as they move forward just like any other game has done. Weapons, maps and more will come and go as they keep tweaking the mode and allow players to feel they have a fair chance against another player vs feeling like they were losing due to something being overpowered.