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Here on Checkmate Gaming, you can find free to play ladder matches and even playoffs, in these matches, other players will compete against each other for experience points. When you win a game, you will get experience points which will rank you and your team up into the top levels of the leader-boards, Figh for your rank here, and if there is a current playoff going on you could even get put into a playoff tournament for a huge cash prize just by placing within the top 32 teams!
This year with Modern Warfare, we hope to offer our players with regular playoffs for cash prizes and even perhaps a league for them to play in! The ladder play is set to be intense as Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players finally merge. We, as a platform, are excited to see new cross-platform rivalries that are sure to occur between team green and team blue!
Our ladders are entirely free to play and will allow you to earn experience playing competitively without the cost of playing our cash challenges or credit-based tournaments! Our live support is available 24/7 if you would like to learn anything about our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare free XP ladders and playoffs right here on Checkmate Gaming. So log in, post a free ladder match and make a name for yourself here at CMG, and other players like you are sure to see it!